Monday, August 26, 2013

How Teachers Are Integrating Tech Common Core

       Elementary School Principal Fred Sitkins likes the idea of common core and the technology advances that it includes.  He is excited to bring technology into instruction and thinks that the timing is perfect since society is moving towards technology and ipads are available for children in the classrooms.  He thinks that this connects children to the world, to deeper thinking and exploring.  Using different apps, students can take notes and share them with their peers, and teachers.  Sitkins likes that in the classroom a teacher can show a video, or article off of the internet or a student can look up a word or definition when they need help.
Personally I am scared of common core and adding technology to the classroom.  I do think it is necessary, but computer class can cover the basics.  I think testing online is going to be difficult, especially for a young child.  I think ipads are good if they are using them for learning, but a child can also have access to games that are not educational.  Then we have students playing at school instead of learning.  I think if Common Core is going to bring technology into the big picture, that the ipads should be blocked to certain websites and games.  Only put educational, helpful games onto the ipads.  Lastly I think that teachers should be able to turn the internet off during testing so that a student is not able to cheat.  I like the idea of technology in the classroom, I just think it needs some restrictions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Madeline,

    You make some very good points in your second paragraph. Restrictions are needed when allowing students access to certain technologies. You can open yourself to all types of liability issues if not monitored well. I also want to add that not all 'play' in games that aren't strictly designated 'educational' are bad. There are some commercial games where I believe various types of learning occurs. I believe as you become more experienced with the technology and the Common Core, you will become more comfortable with it.
