Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Padagogy Wheel-Bloom's Taxonomy (Blog #8)

The Padagogy Wheel using Bloom’s Taxonomy is a helpful way of pointing out some applications that students can use in and out of the classroom.  Some that stick out to me are the Inspiration App, the Skype App, the iMovie App, and the Bump App.  Its cool to know that all of these Apps support and go along with Bloom’s Taxonomy.  We are already using Inspiration to make graphic organizers and this is a good tool to use for all subjects.  It allows students to point out the main topic in an article or project and to better understand the information.  The Skype App could be useful because you could let the students meet other students from across the world by setting up a Skype session in the classroom.  Another application that I want to use in my classroom is the iMovie App.  I can teach a topic and get the students engaged by having them act out a play.  You can use iMovie to record the play and even add effects such as sound and slow motion.  Lastly I want to talk about the Bump App.  This is an App that my 9 year old brother uses and loves.  Since he doesn’t own a phone yet, but has an iPad, he can communicate or “text” through this application with his friends and classmates.  The students in the class all have an account and it allows him to ask questions about homework or even just talk over the weekend.  Overall, it is wonderful to use technology in the classroom when you know how to effectively introduce it.  I will be more than happy to use all of these Apps when I become a teacher in the future.

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