Tuesday, December 10, 2013


  1. Intro Video:  The first assignment we did in IT 365 was to make an intro video and successfully upload it to the blog that we created.  This activity met the NETS-T standard 2, which is to “design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments.”  We videoed a classmate as they came up with a little bit of information that they wanted to share with the blogger readers.  The problems that I encountered were that I couldn’t come up with enough to say about myself which resulted in the video not being long enough and since it was our first uploaded assignment, I didn’t know how to use the website yet.  By thinking about what I wanted to add to my introduction and asking questions to clarify how to upload it, my problems were resolved.  In my classroom I can have students do introduction videos as an icebreaker the first day of class.  It is a fun way to get used to technology and allows them to use their own device (BYOD).  This assignment taught me that there are other alternatives to a written blog.  They say a picture is worth 1000 words and I believe that a video is worth even more.  It gave you an insight to who each person was and how they interacted with a creative assignment like this.    

  1. Ted Videos:  I didn’t know about TED videos until this class.  It is a real honor if you are asked to speak.  Every TED video that we watched in class about educators, made me realize how diverse this world is and how there are truly good people with good ideas still in this crazy world we live in.  This assignment fit Standard 5 which states that it will help “engage in professional growth and leadership.”  Watching these videos really opened my eyes to the creativity and dedication that some teachers have to this profession.  You can tell that their view of life has changed because of the kids that they have taught, and you know that the students who have these wonderful teachers are lucky to have teachers that care about them and their growth.  The only problem that I saw with these videos, and I don’t know if I would even call it a problem, is that it is the speakers personal opinion on the subject that they are speaking about.  I can use these videos to help me get ideas on certain topics to teach to my students.  Depending on the grade level I will teach, I could even show my students some of the TED videos.

  1. Concept Map: The concept map assignment in inspiration was one of my favorites from the entire semester.  This assignment fit Standard 2, "design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity."  I used inspiration in high-school so I was familiar with the program already, but I learned much more about it through this course.  I learned that you could add pictures, and link websites directly to it.  The problem that I had with this assignment was time management.  It takes me a long time to make up lesson plans, and this one took even longer because I had to incorporate technology, something I’m not too familiar with.  It taught me how to solve the problem and I can use the program more easily that I used to be able to.  It is a more user-friendly website than I originally thought it was.  I could use this in my classroom, and plan on it.  I can either present my information to the class by using a graphic organizer or web map, or I could have the students to create a web map by taking their ideas and getting them on paper.

  1. Do Not Track Me:  I learned that more people track you than you know.  I am so surprised everyday how many people follow what I do on websites as simple as Yahoo email.  I had heard about credit card fraud happening, but it came more of a reality when  saw that people were following me and seeing what I was doing.  I still have this program on my computer and feel more safe when searching the internet.  The standard that this assignment fits is Standard 4 which, "advocates, models, and teaches safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources."  The problem I had with this assignment was that I couldn’t figure out how to download it to my home computer.  I eventually googled the steps to take to download it, and in no time it was working.  I could use this in my classroom when I am talking about internet safety.  It is something that everyone should have on their computer so one day when we have a BYOD day, I will give step-by-step instructions on how to download it so they are more protected online.

  1. Augmented Reality: The app fit the Standard 1 which, “facilitates and inspires student learning and creativity”.  This assignment was really cool.  It was an iterative app that brought things to life.  Students can view a picture in a museum, take a picture of it and the app will give you even more information on it.  It is taking learning to a whole different level.  The problem that I see with this is that, will every child have a device to use this app?  If not, then some children are being given more information on certain topics, and others aren’t.  The solution I see is If the school provided ipads to each student then this would play out well.  I hope to use this in my classroom someday, because it is a way to use technology in an effective way so that it enhances the students’ learning.  It is something that will make students curious and interested in learning.  I learned that there are so many applications out there that are meant to enhance learning, and that I should explore more and use them.

  1. Voki: This assignment met the NETS-T Standard 3 which allows teachers to, "collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation."  I learned that there are kid friendly types of online communication services.  I learned how to create my very own Voki who looks like me.  Students will enjoy connecting with other students and parents can contact me if they have any questions.  I can use this in my classroom by posting homework assignments and quick messages that I want the parents to see each day.  The problem I saw with this is that I had a hard time putting my Voki on the blog, but we all figured out how to do insert it instead of putting the link, so that solved the problem. 

  1. Web 2.0 sites: We took several class periods to go over all of these websites, and I truly believe that it was worth it.  I learned of so many websites that I can use in my future classroom.  Games to play, ways for me to present my information, ways my students can make graphic organizers, search engines that are appropriate and so much more!  The NETS-T standard that fits this assignment is Standard 2 which “develops technology-enriched learning environments that enables all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals.”  We met this standard because we learned about a variety of websites that we can use to learn ourselves and teach our students.  The problem I saw with this assignment is that not all of the websites worked.  One of my search engines didn’t have any results when I searched “Lakes in New York.”  The solution is to look for other websites that did work and to use on of those instead.  We covered a broad range of websites, so I know there is another one that will satisfy yours needs. 

  1. Website: The NETS-T standard that fits this assignment is Standard 4 which “promotes and models digital citizenship and responsibility.”  The reason I chose this is because a lot of us did a website on digital citizenship.  These websites taught life lessons that could save lives if a child in need came in contact with it.  I learned how to create a website!! My computer illiterate self never thought I could say that!  The problem I faced was that I couldn’t figure out how come people created their websites so elaborate.  I browsed through the templates and chose one that I liked, but the colors and alignment never met my expectations.  A solution to this would be to just play with it more and learn the ins and outs to using sites.  I can use this in my classroom as a way to present information to the class.  If I teach high-school or upper middle-school I could put students in groups and have them complete an assignment and presenting their information gathered on a website.
  1. Movie: This was the last assignment that we did.  It was a good way to end the semester.  The NETS-T Standard that it met was Standard 1 which, “facilitates and inspires student learning and creativity.”  By creating these movies, we got to see everyones creative side and how they learned how to put the movie together with music, animations, and more.  I learned how to make a movie using pictures and captions.  You see these types of videos on YouTube all the time, but I have always wondered how to make them.  I like that we chose pictures that told a story about our lives.  It was a good way of getting to know everyone in the class.  The problem I had with this assignment was that the program wasn’t on my normal computer.  The solution was to move to an empty computer in the back that had the Movie Maker on it.  I would like to use this in my classroom to make a slideshow at the end of the year and email it to each student and their parents.  It will show growth and change and will be a good good-bye present from me, their teacher.  

Course Reflection:

Coming into this class, I knew it would be difficult for me.  I want to start off and say THANK YOU for putting up with my question asking, I know it can be very difficult.  You made the class fun though, despite my feelings towards technology.  And my eyes have been opened to many wonderful things that I will take with me when I teach in the near future.  I have learned how to use technology in the classroom, and that is the most important thing that I needed to get out of this class.  My strong points are definitely organization and lesson plan writing, which is why I think my Inspiration Concept Map is the best thing I did this semester.  My weak points are using technology in general and getting programs to work for me.  It is definitely a user problem, I am technologically challenged.  My strong points are organization and lesson plan writing because that is what I am comfortable with doing.  Through this class though I have pushed myself in the technology department and learned a lot of helpful tools.  I now appreciate technology more and know that technology can be effective if you introduce it and use it in the right way.  My weaknesses are getting programs to work and using general technology.  Some of the ways that I can improve this is by using technology more often.  Becoming aware of the programs I struggle to use, and getting someone to teach me how to use it properly.  I can only hope that each student in my class is given an ipad to use.  This would be ideal because I could download apps that I wanted to use in my class on each one of them.  I am excited to use smart boards in the classroom.  I think smart boards are an interactive technological tool that every classroom should have.  It makes it fun for the students to take turns “playing” on it and at the same time helps them learn.  I have enjoyed this class because you value our opinions and make aware not only the good, but also the bad that comes along with technology.  Cyberbullying is a bigger problem than I thought it was, and through this class i have become more interested in the subject.  I feel capable of being able to teach a lesson on digital citizenship and the importance of online safety.  One of the most important things, I believe, we learned about was the Common Core State Standards.  We used them in assignments and we read numerous articles about the topic.  I wasn’t for it at first, but now I see why it could be beneficial to our students.  I learned that technology is always changing and that I have to keep myself updated on the new devices and programs coming out.

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