Monday, December 9, 2013

Educause Sprint 2013 (Blog #23)

After reading this article, I was confused.  They were talking about MOOCs like we were supposed to know exactly what that was.  After googling and finding out what a MOOC was, it was much easier to understand. MOOCs are basically massive online classrooms.  This article talks about how we are now in the “connected age.”  So where is the difference between an online course and MOOCs?  Well this article explains that these type of classes are becoming more and more popular and that one student could finish in 3 weeks, and another student finish in 8.  It is all about doing the work in your own timing and finishing the content.  I don’t know if I like the idea of this, but I personally don’t like change.  Everyone learns differently, this is definitely not for me but I could see where it could benefit a lot of people, especially people who work full time.  Meeting with professors would be a negative to this type of class, because if they don’t respond to emails (like a lot of teachers don’t) then how will you understand the material.  If these type of classes are cheaper, then this could allow people who can’t afford college to be able to “attend.”  Online books are cheaper than hard copies as well, so there is a another money saver benefit to MOOCs.  Colleges have to pay to implement MOOCs though, and it is very expensive.  No matter what changes and stays the same, universities “need to rethink their IT infrastructure and IT services.”

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