Monday, December 9, 2013

Common Core in Action (Blog #20)

Common Core is something that we are all learning about and how we will use it in the classroom.  For teachers who have already been teaching, and now are being asked to include common core into their already made lesson plans, it is not as easy.  Reading and English teachers are having to implement state standards, but so are all of the other teachers.  You wouldn’t think that science would be able to incorporate these new changes, but indeed teachers have found a way to make it happen.  These teachers are giving students non-fiction literature articles to read and then giving them the assignment of writing about it using evidence from their readings.  This is a way to combine science, english, and reading into a lesson.
They had their students pull out main points of the text and be able to explain it thoroughly.  This is something that you could do with graphic organizers.  Have students take, like the article states, biofuel vs. fossil fuel and talk about how they are similar and different.  They are learning about science, but using their english and reading skills to help me complete the assignment.  You can do this with any subject, and that is the main point of this article.  Taking the common core state standards and applying them to everyday activities is why education is moving in this direction.

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